The Scandinavian Sport Model
Scandinavian sport is characterized by non-profit civil society associations, a strong dependence on volunteers, and significant public engagement. However, this picture is about to change with the increasing involvement of commercial providers, emerging political agendas, and declining interest in sports and physical activities in certain socio-economic groups.
This course is an introduction to the historical development of organized sport and exercise in Scandinavia. It examines and discusses the current state and organization of sport and exercise, and it explores future trends, potential for development, and the challenges for the Scandinavian sport model.
Digital e-learning in English lectures will be available in two formats: short videos or podcasts. Students are required to work actively with case studies. Students should be prepared to work in groups of 4 or 5 persons to ensure verbal interaction in English, peer discussion, knowledge sharing, and practice in collaborative preparation of presentations of the case studies.