Climate management and communication in a world of “Trumps and Brexits”

Sustainability Science Centre
5. april 2017
Managing climate change is a global challenge and therefore requires cooperation at a global level. Does the current wave of populism on the political arena change the way we need to be addressing climate change? This question was addressed by a number of different angles in a series of short presentations, followed by Q + A and dialogue between the audience and panel.

Katherine Richardson, Professor in Biological Oceanography, Leader of Sustainability Science Centre.

Martin Lidegaard, Member of the Danish Parliament, The Social Liberal Party
Christian Ibsen, Director, Concito
Vincent Hendricks, Professor, Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen
Stig Jensen, Associate Professor, Centre for African Studies, University of Copenhagen
Theresa Scavenius, Postdoc, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen