Workshop on Data and Sustainable Development Goals

Københavns Universitet
2. november 2015
Andreas Poppenbøll, UN-Association in Denmark:
“Why we would like you to discuss the SDGs and why your input matters”
- And a bit on the SDG process

Maciej Truszczynski
The work on following up on the SDGs contains several challenges. One of them is that the existing statistics only cover a fraction of the data requirements for the proposed indicators for the monitoring of the SDGs. Maciej will talk about the considerations and ambitions of Statistics Denmark on how to address the question of data gaps in a most appropriate way. Furthermore, he will talk about how the data challenges can be approached in countries like Denmark but also, in the opinion of Statistics Denmark, in developing countries. Finally, Maciej will argue why it is a good idea that the global statistical community has the responsibility for the choice of indicators to monitor the SDGs and relate to the ongoing negotiations on the choice of the indicators.

Henrik Hansen
The SDGs introduce more indicators and demand more detailed knowledge about livelihoods in developing countries than ever before. A large fraction of the data must be gathered by face-to-face interviews inducing substantial costs and increased risk of survey biases. Moreover, as a partial solution to the increased data requirements the UN has proposed to "tap into big data", but much big data, in particular cell phone records, are collected without explicit consent from the citizens.
Henrik will speak on the complexity and cost as well as the ethical implications of the intended monitoring of SDGs.